The Sun
The Sun
The Sun is a large star with a diameter of about 1.4 million kilometers and could accommodate as many as 109 Earth-sized planets across its entire surface.
The planet consists mainly of two chemical elements, Hydrogen and Helium. The Sun is the central star of the solar system. It's a huge, spinning ball of hot gas that doesn't burn like regular fire. The temperature and pressure are so great that hydrogen atoms combine with each other to form another gas - helium. As a result of this process, a large amount of energy is generated, which is sent in the form of light and heat in all directions. The temperature on the surface reaches 5,500 ° C, and in the center it reaches 14 million ° C. The actual rotation of the Sun is approximately 25.6 days at the equator and 33.5 days at the poles. The sun formed about 4.567 billion years ago by the gravitational collapse of an area into a large cloud. The name of the Sun in Slavic languages, including Polish, comes from the Proto-Slavic word *slnъce.