The Mars
The Mars
Mars is 480 million kilometers from Earth. Earth's peaks, even as high as 8,848 meters above sea level. Mount Everest in the Himalayas, in terms of height, cannot be compared to what Mars offers. On the Red Planet there is a mountain called Olympus Mons, which is 21,229 meters above the average surface of the planet, and if we measured from its base, its height is from 25 to 27 km above the surroundings. Standing on the surface of Mars, our weight will be less, we would weigh much less than on Earth, as much as 62% less. This is because Mars has about 10 times less mass than Earth, so it produces less gravitational pull. The length of a Martian day is 24 hours and 37 minutes. Mars is half the size of our planet. We know dust storms on Earth in desert regions, but extreme versions occur on the red planet. They can be local, but sometimes they can even cover almost the entire globe and last for months. Martian dust storms are more common when the planet is close to the Sun.